Worlds largest home cleaning platform takes over the office

Say goodbye to messy desks, stacked bins and shelves full of dust. Helpling Australia has transformed its office cleaning branch into a commercial cleaning service, in Sydney. Let our cleaners take care of things you don’t want to think about and enjoy working in your clean workspace again.  

The office, where we spend an average of eight hours a day, is the favourite hideout for dust and germs, which can often lead to sickness such as the flu! According to experts, washing your hands regularly can reduce the chance of catching the flu up to 30%. The same theory applies for the cleanliness of your office. 

Now, what are the dirtiest places in the office area? Believe it or not, the bathroom doesn’t make the list!

  • The desk is undoubtedly the dirtiest place. It’s where you spend most of your hours sitting and some people don’t even leave their desk to eat. Crumbs can embed themselves in the computer keyboard and spread across the desk. It is recommended not to eat while sitting behind your computer, because food particles contribute to generating germs. 
  • The keyboard and mouse. Most computers can reach up to 400 times more bacteria than a toilet bowl. Usually we tend to clean the toilet bowl, but we forget to clean the computer, making it a source of germs. Our hands go directly to the mouse and keyboard and on many occasions, we have not washed our hands since we left home. Don’t just simply clean it with a rag. You also have to disinfect the keyboard and computer mouse.
  • The microwave and refrigerator. The handles of these appliances transport millions of germs from hand to hand on a daily base. They also tend to contain leftover food and dirt making it an ideal partner of bacteria.
  • The phone is one of the most contaminated items in the workspace. How many fingers have pressed the keys without being washed before? Therefore, it is important to clean the phone at least once a day with a liquid disinfectant. And if the phone has earphones, the number of concentrated bacteria multiply.
  • The coffee machine is one of the dirtiest appliances as often there are still remnants of coffee. As a wet object, bacteria grow rapidly.
  • If there are office vending machines for drinks and food, pay special attention to the buttons of the machine. That’s the part where a lot of bacteria can transfer to the following person who uses the machine. The same goes for the elevator buttons. If workers wash their hands, the chance of getting a cold is reduced by 80%.

As you can see, commercial cleaning is a task of great importance not only for aesthetic but also for health reasons. Your office is in good hands with Helpling. Trusted, insured, high quality office cleaning service in Sydney and now Melbourne.   

cleaner in office

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