Make Backyard Spring Cleaning Fun and Simple With the Whole Family

It’s officially spring! The sun is out, the birds are singing, and the holidays are nearly here.

With the arrival of spring comes the fun of backyard entertaining – enjoying the outdoors with great food, great friends and great atmosphere. A neat and tidy backyard should be the top of your spring cleaning to-do list.

Read on for some simple tips for making backyard cleaning fun, fast and easy, courtesy of Melwood Cabanas & Garden Sheds. You’ll be ticking that job off your list in no time.

Involve the Entire Family

Consider it a bonding time or a fun day for the family. When everyone participates, the tasks get lighter. Practice work delegation and make sure that everyone has a responsibility to take care of. For example, Dad can mow the grass, mum can sweep the fallen leaves, the boys can water the plants, and the girls can pick up the scattered toys in the yard. To add excitement and make everyone look forward to it, you can plan a water balloon fight after everyone has finished their jobs.

Put On Your Favourite Playlist

Nothing will motivate you more than having lively dance music as a background while cleaning the backyard. Groove to your favourite tunes while sweeping the dead leaves and trimming the hedges.

Draft a Backyard Map

A map can make cleaning the backyard more fun and adventurous. Make a route that you will follow and make sure to cross out the places that you have completed cleaning. For example, your starting point could be the backyard cabana. Once you’re done tidying it up, cross it out on the map, then move to another location, and so on. To make it more exciting, you can time the entire duration of the task which you need to beat next time you clean the backyard again.

Cabana in a sunny backyard

Prepare All Tools Beforehand

Before doing the clean-up, make sure that you have prepared all necessary cleaning tools and items needed. This way, you will save time and avoid going back and forth looking for particular equipment needed. Maybe make a list prior to starting the backyard, listing the jobs needing to be done with what you will need to complete it next each item.

Clean One Area at a Time

If the yard is too big, cleaning everything might be impossible to do in just one day. You may opt to do the cleaning daily for several days. Create a calendar of activities and be sure to follow it religiously. For example, start today by cleaning the pool cabana, including all tools and equipment it contains. For tomorrow, clean the pool and tidy up the pool side. On the third day, do the garden and make sure the plants are trimmed and grass are mowed.

Cleaning the backyard may seem to be a difficult task at first, but with some creativity and adventurous ideas, it can be a fun thing to do with friends or family. Make sure you reward yourself after a job well done with pizza, play time with the kids, relaxing massage or even a glass of your favourite bubbles.