Helpling 2.0: Instant Messaging with your Cleaner? Just One of Five New Functions!

How time flies! For more than a year and a half Helpling has connected households in Sydney and Melbourne with insured, registered and self-employed cleaners. Whereas finding a cleaner previously entailed searching through the classified ads to find the right person, we’ve broken down the process into just a few clicks. We’re constantly working to better our platform for our customers and cleaners. That’s why we’d like to introduce five awesome new functions we’ve developed to make your Helpling experience even better!

The new chat feature: direct and simple communication

Forgot to tell your cleaner you won’t be at home to meet them? With the new chat feature embedded in your Helpling account, you can communicate directly with your cleaner. Prefer to just call or send a message, no problem! You can find the contact number for all your cleaners in your account.


Get to know your cleaner – View profiles of available cleaners when making your booking

One of the most exciting new developments on our platform enables you to view the individual profiles of all the cleaners available to carry out your appointment. When making your booking, you are presented with up to six cleaners with their own unique profile, containing customer reviews and a star rating.

Something came up? Change appointments in just a few clicks

If you’re unable to make your original appointment, re-arranging is easier than ever. Another great feature on the new Helpling platform is improved transparency. Now you can see the working calendar of your cleaner; making it very simple to arrange a new time that fits you both. This means not only the ability to quickly adjust appointments but also to do so directly with the cleaner – cutting out the middleman.


Goodbye paperwork – All electronic invoices at a glance

Our new platform allows customers to see all their invoices and payment records for each cleaning appointment, in one view. Keep track of all the ‘paperwork’ for your cleaning without the need for reams and reams of actual paper.


Your feedback counts! Review your cleaner

We have a multi-stage selection process to ensure our customers are connected with the best cleaners Sydney and Melbourne have to offer. But equally important for maintaining high standards is your continued feedback. It helps other Helpling users know how each cleaner is performing and helps every cleaner build a reputation for them self, based on quality performance. You evaluate your cleaner on three categories: quality of the cleaning; punctuality; and friendliness.

We hope you enjoy these new and improved features. We believe the Helpling platform is better than ever for our customers and all cleaners that work through it. If you need help using any of the new features mentioned above, our customer care team are on hand to help out.

If you’re a cleaner and would like to join the Helpling platform, please go to our cleaning jobs page.