How to Avoid Ironing and Still Get Wrinkle Free Clothes

Hate doing household chores? So do we. The truth is, they are time consuming, boring and never ending. Nevertheless, research by Galaxy found that Aussies spend an average of 2.9 hours a week on house cleaning. Of all the tasks that must be done, do you ever find ironing annoying and monotonous?

To help you never have to get your iron out of your storage room again, we have compiled 5 time-saving, non-ironing tips to achieve wrinkle free clothing, ranging from rolling your garment like a burrito to tumble drying the creases.

Tip #1: The Shower Method

refreshing shower that also helps iron your clothes

This tip not only requires zero effort, but it’s also a great last minute solution to straighten your garment. Simply hang the creased up clothing in your bathroom, turn the heater on, and take a warm shower. Once you are done, inspect the garment. It should be nicely “steamed out”, leaving you with wrinkle-free clothing.

Extra tip:
If you do not have much time to spare, shut all windows and doors. This will prevent the steam from the warm water to stay from escaping the bathroom.

Tip #2 Magical Spray Solution

spray bottle

To smoothen out your T-shirts, simply mix one part vinegar with three parts warm water in a spray bottle and spray away.

Extra tip:
Hold the spray about 30 inches away from the T-shirt and watch the wrinkles slowly disappear once the vinegar-water solution dries up.

Tip #3 Your Flat Hair Iron: Not Just For Straightening your Hair

flat iron

Even though this method is similar to ironing, we find it faster for ironing out the wrinkles, especially on collars, cuffs and the hem of your dress.

Extra tip:
Make sure your straighteners are clean from hair products to prevent dirt sticking to your favourite white t-shirt!

Tip #4 Burrito your Garments Up and Flatten Them With your Mattress

rolled up garment

Here’s another reason to love your bed, as it can also be used to de-wrinkle your clothes. Roll the creased garments like you would a burrito and place them under your mattress. Leave them there for about an hour or so and let your mattress work its magic. Your clothes will be crease-free and ready to wear!

Extra tip:
Ensure that your mattress is clean first, to avoid dust mites getting into your clothes.

Tip #5 Tumble Dry Tough Creases

tumble dry clothes

The last tip would be to lightly spritz the creases with water and dump your creased up garments into the dryer. Let it spin for a couple of minutes and soon, they will be ready to be worn!

Extra tip:
As soon as the clothes are tumbled dry, remove them from the dryer. This is because the wrinkles will return if they are left in the dryer for too long.