Cleanest Cities, Part 2: Sustainable Sydney

A couple of weeks ago we published a piece about how Melbourne is leading the way for cleanliness in Australia. Then we figured it’s only fair we save some praise for our home city of Sydney. Despite its large, and growing, population, Sydney manages to remain exceptionally clean. And the city is making strides to become even cleaner, greener and more sustainable.

Sustainable Sydney 2030

Sydney’s aspirations to become a clean, green leader are driven by Sustainable Sydney 2030, a set of ambitious goals set out by the City to become as environmentally friendly and globally connected as possible by 2030. It includes targets such as cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and diverting 90% of the city’s waste from landfills.

Progress is already being made against these goals. The installation of solar panels on all City buildings has led to 18% drop in carbon emissions, while the City is making efforts to identify a site for Advanced Waste Treatment plant, which creates renewable gas from certain types of waste.

Another part of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan is ensuring that every resident can easily access sustainable transport, whether it’s clean public transport or facilities for walking and cycling. Currently, nearly half of weekday trips made in Sydney are by active means, but with the Sustainable Sydney 2030 strategy, this will get even better.

Residents Who Are Happy to Help

Helpling at Clean Up Australia Day

Sydneysiders are a proud bunch, who look after their city. Did you know the nationwide Clean Up Australia Day campaign began in Sydney with one regular guy who wanted to make a difference in his local area? While recycling rates in Sydney are fairly similar to the national average, the City is making efforts to improve facilities to make it easier for residents to access them. In fact City of Sydney won a national award for its e-waste recycling provision, and the City is investing heavily in improving recycling in other areas too.

Parks to rival the best

Nothing beats a summer’s day in Sydney, relaxing at the park with a BBQ, good friends and perhaps a beer or two. There’s something for everyone, with the city’s various parks boasting top notch sports facilities, communal barbequing equipment, clean lakes and even beaches! From Rushcutters Bay Park to Centennial Park, it’s easy to find somewhere to forget you’re in the middle of a busy city and simply relax. And with $400 million ring fenced over the next 15 years for Sydney’s parks and recreational areas, the future is looking green!

It’s coming up to two years since we launched in Sydney. In that time we’ve cleaned thousands of Sydney households and offices, and helped clean up Rushcutters Bay with the Clean Up Australia Day organisers. So from everybody at Helpling, here’s to a greener, cleaner Sydney!

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