Sydney student explains how she finances her oncology studies through part time cleaning

Laila has been with Helpling since June this year. She is originally from Brazil, where she worked as a Nutritionist. Her decision to move to Australia 4 months ago was due to her desire to improve her English and to further her studies in nutrition.

During her free time, she enjoys spending time at the beach and exploring what the wonderful city Sydney has to offer.

Tell me more about yourself.

I arrived in Australia in May this year as I enrolled in a Nutritionist course at Cambridge College to further my studies. I was a Nutritionist specialised in Oncology and Nutrition Education back in Brazil. I am an outgoing person who constantly challenges myself to improve and to help others.

Why did you move to Australia?

I moved to Australia mainly to further my studies and improve my English. I would like a career as a Nutritionist and am currently funding part of my studies with the money I make from Helpling.

What made you join Helpling? What attracted you the most to become a self-employed cleaner?

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I got to know about Helpling through a friend of mine who is also on the Helpling platform. My friend told me that it was an honest and great platform. At that time, when I just moved to Australia, I was looking for a job that was flexible and could suit my busy school schedule and thought that Helpling was a perfect fit. On top of that, I like the fact that I was able to start work immediately after the first appointment at the office and that I was able to fix my own work schedule every month.

What do you do during your spare time?

When I’m not working, I’m either studying or exploring Sydney. As it has only been 4 months since I’ve been here, there are still a lot of places I have yet to explore, such as the beautiful nature and beaches.

Share with us your most memorable experience using the Helpling platform.

I am glad that all my experiences have been great ones. Most of my regular customers treat me with the most respect and we have developed a great friendship over these few months. The most memorable experience has to be when a regular customer sent me a message to thank me and how arriving in a clean home had made her look forward to every cleaning session with me.

I understand that your fiancé is also a self-employed cleaner at Helpling. With your busy work and study schedule, how do you manage to spend enough time together?

It is great to have my fiance working with Helpling as he also supports my job decisions. We respect our customers and understand how important it is to have a good relationship with them. We normally try to sync our work schedule so that we are able to have days off together. Even though we try to service as many jobs as possible, we are happy with this work arrangement as we try to explore most of Sydney during our days off.

Any tips for people wanting to join Helpling as a self-employed cleaner?

Always clean the customers’ home like how you would do your own. I believe that everyone deserves to live in a clean and healthy environment. Also, I believe that anyone can be a cleaner. All you have to do is be willing to pay extra attention to areas that often get overlooked and take customer’s reviews as constructive feedback.

For unpleasant customers, I have just one tip, be more patient with them and respect all customers to maintain a good relationship.

Interested to join Helpling as a self-employed cleaner? We’d love to hear from you. Simply register your details on our cleaning jobs page.