9 surprisingly simple kitchen cleaning tips

Do you ever feel like the kitchen ends up a huge mess every time you cook no matter how much you try to clean as you go? And really, how many of us are actually excited about cleaning the kitchen after cooking a big meal?

Most of us can relate to this, and it is evident from the large number of kitchen cleaning hacks and clean up tips devised over the years by creative domestic people all over the world- the more efficient the better!  But if you’re trying to keep your mess in check, here are 9 of our best tips.

Wooden chopping board

Garlic provides a nice fragrance for your dishes but definitely not on your wooden chopping board. To prevent the smell, create a salt scrub by sprinkling some salt and go over the whole board with the help of half a lemon. The salt provides a good scrub, while the fresh lemon juice leaves a nice fragrance.

Kitchen Rangehood

olive oil

The rangehood is often overlooked as it is attached to the ceiling. For households that often cook, the rangehood is probably one of the dirtiest spots in the kitchen! So how do you get rid of the grease? With oil! Yes you heard me right, oil works best in getting rid of greasy stains. Simply dip a microfiber cloth in some oil and wipe the rangehood with it. Then, remove the oil with a wet cloth.

Cast iron pans

These pans create tasty dishes, but they can also get dirty if not cleaned properly. To clean, spread a generous amount of sea salt on the base and with the help of a halved-potato, scrub away!.Then rinse of the salt with water and wipe the pan dry. To prevent rusting, place the empty pan on low heat for 2-3 minutes, or once the pan dries off completely.


Avoid having to deal with a smelly rubbish bin by placing a newspaper on the base and sprinkle some baking soda in it. Baking soda works wonders in absorbing nasty odours and leaked rubbish.

Cheese Grater

cheese grater

Nothing is more irritating than leftover cheese that is stuck on the cheese grater! Grate some potato to soften the hardened chunks of cheese to make them so rinse off. If there are still stubborn bits stuck on the grater, an old toothbrush will do the trick!


Experiencing foul odours from the sink? Not to worry, an ice made of vinegar and lemon will help to get rid of the odour. Just fill an ice mold with vinegar and lemon and add a few cubes to the drain every week to prevent the odour. The vinegar breaks down food particles and lemon leaves a fresh scent to the sink.


Newspaper is all you need to reduce odour and clean the base of the fridge. Place some newspaper on the refrigerator shelves and let it collect the food stains and odour. To clean, simply remove the newspaper and replace it with a new one.



Stubborn food residues and deposits in the oven can be removed with a mixture of baking soda, water and detergent. Let the mixture sit in the oven for fifteen minutes and wipe it off with a damp microfiber cloth.

Cups and mugs

Remove stubborn stains from cups and mugs with a mixture of vinegar and bicarbonate solution. This instantly creates a fresher look in minutes!

Less time spent on cleaning the kitchen means more time can be spent on doing things that you enjoy. These handy tricks will definitely help you out with that!