Father’s Day Sorted – 6 Cool Ideas for Dad to Enjoy

Yep. It’s that time of year again, when we celebrate all the wonderful Dads across Oz. Whether you’re 5 or 45, your dear old Dad deserves a day to be remembered for all his love, wise words and hard work over the years. But, how do you figure out what he really wants or what would make the day one to remember? Here are our top 6 tips to make his day!


1. Let me entertain you! 

Dads used to be into electronic gadgets, but now everything is becoming digitized so your Dad is more likely to be looking for a USB headset, an new ebook by his favourite author or if he’s a movie buff and it’s a rainy day, maybe a subscription to Netflix – in our books, 2 nice movies to watch with your Dad on Father’s Day are In Bruges and Boy.

2. Take him out

Or maybe your Dad just wants to be taken away from it all and be entertained. Why not buy tickets to a game of rugby, basketball or cricket. If he’s more of a foodie, why not take him out to a new local restaurant? Or maybe he’s more of the intellectual, in which case – why not check out Sydney’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House on this weekend. Check out the full list of talks here http://fodi.sydneyoperahouse.com/program/ Be quick, they sell fast!

3. Tasty Tipple? Don’t mind if I do!

For the tipple loving Dad, a fun way to discover the best Australian wines or beers is to take your Dad out to one of your local wine bars or micro breweries. Australia produces some of the tastiest wines around, with plenty of boutique wineries yielding delicious wine. Similarly if beer is more his thing, take him to one of the many local micro breweries such as Sydney’s, Local Taphouse www.thelocal.com.au. If sharing a bottle of wine by the fire is more your Dad’s thing, our friends at www.vinomofo.com is a great place to start, sourcing local unknown wines at hard to beat prices.

4. Adventure and relaxation – a man’s guide

Why not get out of town for the weekend? If you think your Dad would benefit from some downtime, why not surprise him with a family road trip out of the city over the weekend? All you need is a weekend bag, perhaps some camping gear and a couple of fishing rods. Or if you’re Dad isn’t the adventure type, why not go for a day trip to the mountains and take in the views along the way.

5. Fitness Fanatic?

For the Dad’s who more the health conscious types and who like keeping up to date with technology, there are a wide range of bracelet fitness monitors you can choose from. Get the stats on training, time and mode of exercise. A personal training tool that you can use together during weekend workouts and even compete on your personal best!

6. Photographic montage – remember the days?

Another simple but timeless way to show your Dad some love, is to create an album with your favorite moments and memories together. Think of all those parties, holidays and family get togethers all in one little book. And if the idea of the album seems little unoriginal, you can always print your favorite photos on a cup, photo mobile or make a cool photo collage.

If you have some other fun ideas on how to spend Father’s Day with your Dad, we’d love you to share them below!


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