How to Avoid Harmful Home Chemicals and Ingredients

Following our post on green cleaning for Earth Day, our friends at Organic Formulations have put together a list of ingredients that are potentially damaging to the environment you should look out for when shopping for cleaning products, and what alternatives you can use.

With the increasing awareness about the damage we have caused and are continuing to cause to our planet, more and more people are looking for alternatives to products that release harmful chemicals into the environment.

When it comes to household cleaning products we know many popular brands contain a laboratory full of harmful chemicals. Sure, they get the job done – but at what cost to our environment?

Below is a list of the common toxic ingredients found in many popular cleaning products:

Phosphates – water softeners found in detergents that contribute to algae blooms, which can kill off fish populations.

Sodium hydroxide – found in drain, metal and oven cleaners. It is extremely irritating to the eyes, nose and throat and can burn tissues on contact.

Sodium lauryl sulphate – a common sudsing agent that can penetrate the skin and may cause contact dermatitis.

Phthalates – Often found in fragrances, these chemicals have been linked to reproductive abnormalities and liver cancer in lab animals and to asthma in children.

Ammonia – is poisonous when swallowed, extremely irritating to respiratory passages if inhaled and can burn the skin on contact.

It is no wonder that so many of us are searching for safe, natural alternatives to keep our homes clean!

What Alternatives Can You Use?

Many common household items make effective natural cleaning products. It just takes a little thought and planning to create a selection of natural cleaning products. These include:

  • Bicarbonate of soda
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar
  • Tea tree oil
  • Soda water
  • Liquid soap
  • Washing soda
  • And more…!

See our post with natural home cleaning recipes for more on ways you can use the above ingredients in your cleaning routine.

baking soda

Alternatively many brands are committed to natural and organic as the way forward. Ecologic, for example, offer an all-natural range of eco-friendly cleaning products safe for the home. They are formulated from renewable, natural plant based ingredients and are effective yet gentle on the environment, effective and gentle alternative to help protect the environment.

If you have a cleaner, you can request they use your eco-friendly alternatives for your domestic cleaning. Switching to natural cleaning ingredients at home, whether bought or homemade, is the best option for a healthy home and a better environment!