Six Ways to De-stress Your Life

Sometimes it can feel like everyone wants a piece of you. Your boss wants an all singing, all dancing presentation delivered tomorrow. You come home and there’s still a million things to do. The food shop. Washing. Cleaning. Dinner to cook. What if we said we have six ways to make your life easier when you get home? Ah, now we’ve got your attention. Sit back, relax and follow these simple steps to a stress free environment at home.

One: Dance like nobody’s watching

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We all have that one song that we go crazy to. We turn it up and then we turn out. Nothing helps wash the stresses of the day away more than dancing it out to your favourite jam. It doesn’t have to be just the one, make a whole session of it. Get your 90’s grunge onto Smells like Teen Spirit. Show the world your sass with Beyonce’s 7/11. Finally, get your groove onto Uptown Funk. Change it up depending on your mood but take our advice, dance like nobody’s watching and wash the stress away.

Two: Hire some help


The last thing you want to do when you have some free time at home is clean. We know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh I can just hire a cleaner.’ You could do that, but then you have the added stress of finding a cleaner to rely on and that you know will do the job well. That’s where we come in. Give us your location, book an appointment, and we’ll take care of the rest. Now if that isn’t 21st Century efficiency we don’t know what is.

Three: Do nothing

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Your mind might be racing at a million miles an hour. You’re probably thinking you’ll never be able to switch off. But believe us once you sit down, open up Netflix and start binge watching Orange is the New Black, you won’t find it hard to leave all the day’s stresses behind.

Four: Get yourself a Personal Shopper


We don’t mean having someone take you around David Jones to pick out all your outfits for the week. We’re talking about beating the supermarket crowds and having someone bring the weeks groceries directly to you. No this isn’t a thing of dreams. They’re called Shopwings. All you need to do is enter your location, pick your preference of products, choose a delivery slot and hey presto- you’ve just done your weekly shop.

Five: Your house is your temple


Once you’ve organised all the rubbish you have lying around the house, the next step is making it a more relaxing environment to come home too. Throw a few candles into the mix, some oversized cushions- even a beanbag if that’s your thing (we’ve heard they’re making a comeback). If you’re really serious about it, there’s this little thing called the Feng Shui principle. For any of you jokers out there we’ve checked, and throwing everything in the closet and forgetting about it doesn’t count.

Six: Order in and eat up


After following all of the above steps you’ll definitely have worked up an appetite. Save all the stress of cooking and let someone else take care of it for you. Enter Suppertime. A premium food delivery service, delivering food from Sydney and Melbourne’s best restaurants to your door. Simply enter your location and choose from the many great restaurants on offer. What could be more stress free than that?