Can we guess how you’re going to trash your house this Christmas?

‘Tis the season to be messy! Ah, the holiday season is finally upon us, which means sizzling prawns, mince pies… and cleaning. We’re all guilty of committing cleaning sins at Christmas, but it’s the perfect time to ask for forgiveness, right? For our penance, here’s our top 5 Crimbo cleaning tips!

Destroying The Kitchen Whilst Preparing The Christmas Meal

christmas meal

As we write this, we’re sure a Christmas Dinner shopping list has already been written. Imagine filling the dinner table with numerous drool-inducing dishes that are sure to satisfy your family’s taste buds; the only problem with this beautiful picture would be the lack of actual cooking skills. The preparations require years of experience, but what you lack in skill, you can make up for with enthusiasm (and plenty of online cooking tutorials). However, as you’ll soon discover, multitasking is difficult and after hours of trying to get that perfect roast turkey, the kitchen will become unrecognizable. We can only imagine flour explosions everywhere, sticky floors, mountains of dishes and the smell of potatoes gone wrong. Let’s face it, unless you’re Gordon Ramsey, this dinner is going to be a bit of a challenge. Before starting this cooking journey, make sure you get some extra help with cleaning up either from a loyal friend, a skeptical auntie or a professional cleaner. Your call.

Mulled Wine Overdose

mulled wine

Mulled wine is a Christmas favourite, even for us Aussie sweating it out in the summer heat. There are different recipes from around the world and somehow every person seems to believe they hold the best recipe. While it is fairly easy to make this festive potion, we should be careful when handling the drink, especially in a party environment. The thing is, adding all those fruits and spices don’t make it any easier to remove the stains. Thinking about making mulled wine at your next home Christmas party? Remember that it can stain and damage your clothes, rug or even the sofa. For a quick fix always have salt nearby, and in case of an emergency, pour it over the stain and allow it to soak in completely.

Eating Too Much Of Everything Around The House


Pavlova, Prawns, Fruit cake, Mince pies and plenty of sparkling—these are just a few of the tasty treats you can look forward to. We forget about diets and workouts, and instead start packing on Christmas treats! It sounds great, but no-one likes finding cake crumbs here, there and everywhere on Christmas Day.

Serving festive treats during the holiday party is great, but cleaning the remaining bits can be a little annoying. Imagine finding a squashed minced pie in-between the sofa pillows, two weeks after Christmas. To avoid getting food everywhere during a Christmas party, it’s ideal to set up tiny bins around the house. Otherwise, it would take an army (or booking a trusted cleaner) to clean a home after Christmas!

Tinsel Everywhere


Who doesn’t love Christmas decorations? All the shops are competing for the most Instagrammable display, cities are lit up with intricate decorations, and homes around the country sparkle as we approach Christmas Day! It’s a magical time for our home and we end up buying way more tinsel, garlands and fairy lights than we actually need. And let’s be honest, there’s always an unspoken competition between neighbors to win the title of the best Christmas house in the neighborhood. Decorating the house might be beautifully creative, but cleaning all that tinsel will give you nightmares. Our essential tip in the case of a tinsel emergency is having a stack of rollers or duct tape on hand! It’s cheap and extremely fast in saving your carpet from becoming a glittery mess!

Allowing Pets To Celebrate Xmas

cat and christmas tree

Our pets are part of the family, so, of course they’ll celebrate Christmas with the rest of us! You might even be one of those people who dresses their tiny dog in a Santa outfit and puts a present under the tree for them. When planning a Christmas party, think about what your pets are going to be doing while everyone’s busy dancing around. It’s safe to assume that the cat is plotting to sabotage the Christmas tree, while the dog is secretly developing new methods of eating people’s food from their plates. Before planning a Christmas dinner or a party also think about where the pets fit in. Having a story about a cat that took down a party might be fun to tell around the office, but deep down, you’ve got to admit that the clean-up was a horror story that won’t be forgotten any time soon. It might even make you consider getting a pet friendly cleaner – hmm?
Embrace the mess this holiday season and remember you can always book a local clean in 60 seconds at